Armored Police Metal Jack Season 1
Twenty years into the future, a city now called "Tokyo" has developed into one of the few world-class high-tech centers, "Tokyo City." The main character, Ken Kanzaki, is a young investigator assigned to the criminal investigation section of the Metropolitan Police. He is one of the finest sharpshooters in the Police. One day, Ken is ordered to provide security for a party held by "Zaizen Konzern," a world-class plutocracy.
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Armored Police Metal Jack
1991Twenty years into the future, a city now called "Tokyo" has developed into one of the few world-class high-tech centers, "Tokyo City." The main character, Ken Kanzaki, is a young investigator assigned to the criminal investigation section of the Metropolitan Police. He is one of the finest sharpshooters in the Police. One day, Ken is ordered to provide security for a party held by "Zaizen Konzern," a world-class plutocracy.
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